NexalinHeadNexalin: An FDA Accepted Method of Transcranial Electronic Stimulation

Functioning normally, our brain manufactures neurochemicals that keep our moods and physiology in a balanced state called homeostasis. Deep depression, mental trauma, high anxiety or chronic insomnia in any combination can throw this homeostasis out of control. When we suffer in these ways the conditions we experience may seem permanent.

Nexalin Transcranial Electronic Stimulation has been shown to offer the brain a vitally important opportunity to adjust and improve it’s important output of neuropeptides, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, the neurotransmitters that support all healthy brain functions.

The Nexalin experience entails a technician gently placing 3 pads on the head (one on the forehead and one behind each ear). The Nexalin device then uses a tiny, virtually undetectable wave form, to stimulate deep centers in the brain. This stimulation supports normalized levels of neurochemicals which allow the brain to shift to a more stable and regulated homeostasis. During the Nexalin session the client can rest, read or have a gentle conversation with the technician or therapist about whatever changes they are experiencing.

Many people have experience using a pharmaceutical intervention to temporarily shift homeostasis in the brain. Now, with over 700 subjects and 10,000 Nexalin sessions, it has been shown that we can effect this change without the use of chemical interventions. As an FDA accepted treatment for Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia, we see Nexalin also positively effecting disorders such as PTSD, OCD and addiction problems, in so far as these disorders have common origins in an imbalanced homeostasis in the brain. Nexalin can be an important option when a reduction in medications are desirable, or a person has not responded to or advanced with the use of pharmaceutical remedies.

For more information on Nexalin visit on the web. Or request further conversation with your closest Nexalin provider.

More Information on Researched Elements of Nexalin Technology

 Nexlin has shown a high level of effectiveness in clinical practice. How do we know it is consistently effective at the clinical level? By testing before and after Nexalin treatment using a number of appropriate measures.

Below are representations of the brain as presented in a quantitative EEG (qEEG) testing on an actual patient in a Nexalin clinic. The results represented reflect the difference in cortical EEG that Nexalin can make as it works toward normalizing hypothalamic function.

While this is a single instance it is hardly an isolated outcome. Clinical practice by and large continues to replicate the effectiveness levels shown in original clinical trials.

Graphic of Relative Power Before and After Nexalin Treatment
The qEEG maps below demonstrate Nexalin effectiveness in before and after scenarios


Graphic of Coherence Before and After Nexalin Treatment
The qEEG maps below demonstrate Nexalin effectiveness in before and after scenarios
